Friday, November 9, 2018

Girl Medic - Confessions of Chaos and Calamity Behind the Lights and Sirens .pdf download by Laura B Freed

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Laura B Freed never imagined she’d be crawling into crushed cars to start IV’s on unconscious patients or crawl on her hands and knees through a burning house to locate possible victims. Laura was a girly girl, loved all things pink and sparkly…and hated the sight of blood and bones. Her life did not go as she had planned, because perhaps, life had a plan of its own. She has seen the worst in people; she had seen the best. Laura has struggled to make sense of death and in doing so, has come to the realization that in order to understand death, first, we must understand life. Girl Medic takes the reader on a secretive journey.
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Girl Medic - Confessions of Chaos and Calamity Behind the Lights and Sirens ebook
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